Opening Pandora's box by generating ICU diaries through artificial intelligence: A hypothetical study protocol

Ella Peschel, Susanne Krotsetis, Anna-Henrikje Seidlein, Peter Nydahl* (Last author)

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalOriginal Articlepeer-review

3 Citations (Web of Science)


BACKGROUND: Patients and families on Intensive Care Units (ICU) benefit from ICU diaries, enhancing their coping and understanding of their experiences. Staff shortages and a limited amount of time severely restrict the application of ICU diaries. To counteract this limitation, generating diary entries from medical and nursing records using an artificial intelligence (AI) might be a solution.

DESIGN AND PURPOSE: Protocol for a hypothetical multi-center, mixed method study to identify the usability and impact of AI-generated ICU diaries, compared with hand-written diaries.

METHOD: A hand-written ICU diary will be written for patients with expected length of stay ≥ 72 h by trained nursing staff and families. Additionally at discharge, the medical and nursing records are analyzed by an AI software, transformed into understandable, empathic diary entries, and printed as diary. Based on an appointment with patients within 3 months, diaries are read in randomized order by trained clinicians with the patients and families. Patients and families will be interviewed about their experiences of reading both diaries. In addition, usability of diaries will be evaluated by a questionnaire.

EXPECTED FINDINGS AND RESULTS: Patients and families describe the similarities and differences of language and the content of the different diaries. In addition, concerns can be expressed about the generation and data processing by AI.

IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE: Professional nursing involves empathic communication, patient-centered care, and evidence-based interventions. Diaries, beneficial for ICU patients and families, could potentially be generated by Artificial Intelligence, raising ethical and professional considerations about AI's role in complementing or substituting nurses in diary writing.

CONCLUSIONS: Generating AI-based entries for ICU diaries is feasible, but raises serious questions about nursing ethics, empathy, data protection, and values of professional nurses. Researchers and developers shall discuss these questions in detail, before starting such projects and opening Pandora's box, that can never be closed afterwards.

Original languageEnglish
Article number103661
Pages (from-to)103661
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2024


  • Humans
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Intensive Care Units
  • Critical Care
  • Nursing Staff
  • Patients


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