Water Conservation Overrides Osmotic Diuresis During SGLT2 Inhibition in Patients With Heart Failure

Adriana Marton* (Erstautor/-in), Seyed Ehsan Saffari, Manfred Rauh, Ruo-Ning Sun, Armin M. Nagel, Peter Linz, Tzy Tiing Lim, Kaoru Takase-Minegishi, Anastacia Pajarillaga, Sharon Saw, Norihiko Morisawa, Wan Keat Yam, Shintaro Minegishi, John J. Totman, Serena Teo, Louis L. Y. Teo, Choon Ta Ng, Kento Kitada, Johannes Wild, Jean-Paul KovalikFriedrich C. Luft, Peter J. Greasley, Calvin W. L. Chin, David K. L. Sim, Jens Titze

*Korrespondierende/r Autor/-in für diese Arbeit

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftOriginalarbeitBegutachtung

13 Quellenangaben (Web of Science)


BACKGROUND Sodium -glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors are believed to improve cardiac outcomes due to their osmotic diuretic potential. OBJECTIVES The goal of this study was to test the hypothesis that vasopressin-driven urine concentration overrides the osmotic diuretic effect of glucosuria induced by dapagliflozin treatment. METHODS DAPA-Shuttle1 (Hepato-renal Regulation of Water Conservation in Heart Failure Patients With SGLT-2 Inhibitor Treatment) was a single-center, double -blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial, in which patients with chronic heart failure NYHA functional classes I/II and reduced ejection fraction were randomly assigned to receive dapagliflozin 10 mg daily or placebo (1:1) for 4 weeks. The primary endpoint was change from baseline in urine osmolyte concentration. Secondary endpoints included changes in copeptin levels and solute free water clearance. RESULTS Thirty-three randomized, sodium -glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitor -na & iuml;ve participants completed the study, 29 of whom (placebo: n =14; dapagli flozin: n =15) provided accurate 24-hour urine collections (mean age 59 +/- 14 years; left ventricular ejection fraction 31% +/- 9%). Dapagli flozin treatment led to an isolated increase in urine glucose excretion by 3.3 mmol/kg/d (95% CI: 2.51 -4.04; P < 0.0001) within 48 hours (early) which persisted after 4 weeks (late; 2.7 mmol/kg/d [95% CI: 1.98 -3.51]; P < 0.0001). Dapagli flozin treatment increased serum copeptin early (5.5 pmol/L [95% CI: 0.45-10.5]; P < 0.05) and late (7.8 pmol/L [95% CI: 2.77 -12.81]; P < 0.01), leading to proportional reductions in free water clearance (early: -9.1 mL/kg/d [95% CI: -14 to -4.12; P < 0.001]; late: -11.0 mL/kg/d [95% CI: -15.94 to -6.07; P < 0.0001]) and elevated urine concentrations (late: 134 mmol/L [95% CI: 39.28 -229.12]; P < 0.01). Therefore, urine volume did not signi ficantly increase with dapagli flozin (mean difference early: 2.8 mL/kg/d [95% CI: -1.97 to 7.48; P = 0.25]; mean difference late: 0.9 mL/kg/d [95% CI: -3.83 to 5.62]; P = 0.70). CONCLUSIONS Physiological-adaptive water conservation eliminated the expected osmotic diuretic potential of dapagli flozin and thereby prevented a glucose-driven increase in urine volume of approximately 10 mL/kg/d $ 75 kg = 750 mL/d. (Hepato-renal Regulation of Water Conservation in Heart Failure Patients With SGLT-2 Inhibitor Treatment [DAPA-Shuttle1]; NCT04080518). (c) 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier on behalf of the American College of Cardiology Foundation. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
Seiten (von - bis)1386-1398
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 16 Apr. 2024


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