Same-day discharge after percutaneous coronary procedures-Consensus statement of the working group of interventional cardiology (AGIK) of the Austrian Society of Cardiology

Mathias C. Brandt (Erstautor/-in), Hannes Alber, Rudolf Berger, Ronald K. Binder, Julia Mascherbauer, Alexander Niessner, Martin Schmid, Matthias Frick, Austrian Working Grp

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftOriginalarbeitBegutachtung

1 Quellenangabe (Web of Science)


Introduction Percutaneous coronary intervention is a well-established revascularization strategy for patients with coronary artery disease. Recent technical advances such as radial access, third generation drug-eluting stents and highly effective antiplatelet therapy have substantially improved the safety profile of coronary procedures. Despite several practice guidelines and a clear patient preference of early hospital discharge, the percentage of coronary procedures performed in an outpatient setting in Austria remains low, mostly due to safety concerns.Methods The aim of this consensus statement is to provide a practical framework for the safe and effective implementation of coronary outpatient clinics in Austria. Based on a structured literature review and an in-depth analysis of available practice guidelines a consensus statement was developed and peer-reviewed within the working group of interventional cardiology (AGIK) of the Austrian Society of Cardiology.Results Based on the available literature same-day discharge coronary procedures show a favorable safety profile with no increase in the risk of major adverse events compared to an overnight stay. This document provides a detailed consensus in various clinical settings. The most important prerequisite for same-day discharge is, however, adequate selection of suitable patients and a structured peri-interventional and postinterventional management plan.Conclusion Based on the data analysis this consensus document provides detailed practice guidelines for the safe operation of daycare cathlab programs in Austria.
Seiten (von - bis)61-74
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - Mai 2024


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