Safety and effectiveness of SOFIA/SOFIA PLUS for direct aspiration as first line treatment in patients with acute anterior ischemic stroke: results from the prospective, multicentric SESAME study

Ulf Neuberger, Gaultier Marnat, Xavier Barreau, Antonio Pitrone, Antonio A. Caragliano, Monika Killer-Oberpfalzer (Co-Autor/-in), Johannes A. R. Pfaff (Co-Autor/-in), Christoph J. Maurer, Ansgar Berlis, Reinoud Bokkers, Maarten Uyttenboogaart, Nader Sourour, Frederic Clarencon, Fritz Wodarg, Christophe Cognard, Georg Bohner, Johannes Trenkler, Laurent Spelle, Werner Weber, Nasreddine NouriSusanne Bonekamp, Goetz Thomalla, Jens Fiehler, Martin Bendszus, Markus A. Moehlenbruch

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftOriginalarbeitBegutachtung


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Medicine and Dentistry