Harnableitung beim alten Patienten (80+)

D. Oswald* (Erstautor/-in), T. R. W. Herrmann, C. Netsch, B. Becker, G. Hatiboglu, R. Homberg, J. T. Klein, K. Lehrich, A. Miernik, P. Olbert, D. S. Schoeb, K. D. Sievert (Co-Autor/-in), J. Herrmann, A. J. Gross, M. Pallauf (Co-Autor/-in), S. Deininger (Co-Autor/-in), C. Ramesmayer (Co-Autor/-in), J. Peters, L. Lusuardi (Letztautor/-in)

*Korrespondierende/r Autor/-in für diese Arbeit

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftOriginalarbeitBegutachtung


With increasing life expectancy there is also an increased need for the management of older (>= 80 years) patients with the diagnosis of muscle-invasive bladder cancer. Radical cystectomy with urinary diversion is the state of the art treatment (with neoadjuvant chemotherapy, as long as the patient is fit enough). Choosing the best urinary diversion with respect to morbidity compared to functionality and quality of life remains a challenge in these patients. Physical age alone is not decisive for making a decision. A thorough preoperative assessment of medical features, physical and cognitive impairments is more important. Older patients are generally provided with an ileal conduit as an incontinent urinary diversion, as the intervention involves reduced operating times and complexity compared to continent urinary diversions; however, in the case of good health status with an adequate life expectancy and sufficient compliance, continent diversions may be considered even in aged candidates. In the case of multimorbid patients with a high perioperative risk, ureterostomy with permanent ureteric stents is an important alternative. Most importantly, a thorough preoperative counselling enables patients to reach an informed decision.
Titel in ÜbersetzungUrinary diversion in old patients (80+years)
Frühes Online-DatumJuli 2024
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 16 Juli 2024


  • Cystectomy
  • Geriatric patient
  • Ileal conduit
  • Muscle-invasive bladder cancer
  • Ureterostomy


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