Establishing Foundations on Both Sides of the Bridge: Exploring Contextual Barriers to Cardiac Rehabilitation Uptake to Inform Digital Health Technology Design

Isabel Höppchen, Stefan Tino Kulnik, Bernhard Reich PhD (Co-Autor/-in), Josef Niebauer (Co-Autor/-in), Jan Smeddinck, Alexander Meschtscherjakov, Daniela Wurhofer

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftOriginalarbeitBegutachtung


Cardiac rehabilitation (CR) is crucial for secondary prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Yet, many patients with a clear indication of CR do not participate in such programs. To build a more nuanced foundation for developing digital health technologies supporting patients' CR uptake, we explored the practiced CR referral process to identify context-specific barriers in Austria. We conducted a contextual inquiry including four observations in both out- and inpatient settings and 13 stakeholder interviews. The results indicate a lack of a defined referral process, limited intersectoral communication, doctors' unawareness and knowledge gaps, and patients missing clear information about CR. Thus, digital health technologies that aim to support patient-centered cardiovascular care pathways should be designed for timely patient information and engagement, automated referral support, and enhanced intersectoral communication.
Seiten (von - bis)588-593
FachzeitschriftMuC '24: Proceedings of Mensch und Computer 2024
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - Sept. 2024
VeranstaltungMuC '24: Mensch und Computer 2024 - Karlsruhe
Dauer: 1 Sept. 20244 Sept. 2024


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