Early Internal Fixation of Concomitant Clavicle Fractures in Severe Thoracic Trauma Prevents Posttraumatic Pneumonia.

Julia Rehme-Röhrl, Korbinian Sicklinger, Andreas Brand (Co-Autor/-in), Julian Fürmetz, Carl Neuerburg, Fabian Stuby, Christian von Rüden

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftOriginalarbeitBegutachtung


Background: Severe thoracic trauma can lead to pulmonary restriction, loss of lung volume, and difficulty with ventilation. In recent years, there has been increasing evidence of better clinical outcomes following surgical stabilization of clavicle fractures in the setting of this combination of injuries. The aim of this study was to evaluate surgical versus non-surgical treatment of clavicle fractures in severe thoracic trauma in terms of clinical and radiological outcomes in order to make a generalized treatment recommendation based on the results of a large patient cohort. Patients and Methods: This retrospective study included 181 patients (42 women, 139 men) from a European level I trauma centre with a median of 49.3 years in between 2005 and 2021. In 116 cases, the clavicle fracture was stabilized with locking plate or hook plate fixation (group 1), and in 65 cases, it was treated non-surgically (group 2). Long-term functional outcomes at least one year postoperatively using the disabilities of the arm, shoulder and hand (DASH) questionnaire and the Nottingham Clavicle Score (NCS) as well as radiological outcomes were collected in addition to parameters such as hospital days, intensive care days, and complication rates. Results: The Injury Severity Score (ISS) was 17.8 +/- 9.8 in group 1 and 19.9 +/- 14.4 in group 2 (mean +/- SEM; p = 0.93), the time in hospital was 21.5 +/- 27.2 days in group 1 versus 16 +/- 29.3 days in group 2 (p = 0.04). Forty-seven patients in group 1 and eleven patients in the group 2 were treated in the ICU. Regarding the duration of ventilation (group 1: 9.1 +/- 8.9 days, group 2: 8.1 +/- 7.7 days; p = 0.64), the functional outcome (DASH group 1: 11 +/- 18 points, group 2: 13.7 +/- 18. 4 points, p = 0.51; NCS group 1: 17.9 +/- 8.1 points, group 2: 19.4 +/- 10.3 points, p = 0.79) and the radiological results, no significant differences were found between the treatment groups. With an overall similar complication rate, pneumonia was found in 2% of patients in group 1 and in 14% of patients in group 2 (p = 0.001). Discussion: This study could demonstrate that surgical locking plate fixation of clavicle fractures in combination with CWI significantly reducing the development of posttraumatic pneumonia in a large patient collection and, therefore, can be recommended as standard therapeutic approach for severe thoracic trauma.
FachzeitschriftJournal of Clinical Medicine
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 25 Juli 2023


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