Contemporary assessment of short- and functional 90-days outcome in old intensive care patients suffering from COVID-19

Raphael Romano Bruno, Bernhard Wernly (Erstautor/-in), Antonio Artigas, Kristina Fuest, Stefan J. Schaller, Lisa Dannenberg, Detlef Kindgen-Milles, Malte Kelm, Michael Beil, Sigal Sviri, Muhammed Elhadi, Michael Joannidis, Sandra Oeyen, Eumorfia Kondili, Rui Moreno, Susannah Leaver, Bertrand Guidet, Dylan W. De Lange, Hans Flaatten, Wojciech SzczeklikChristian Jung, COVIP Study Grp

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftOriginalarbeitBegutachtung


Purpose: There are limited data about the outcome of old intensive care (ICU) patients suffering from Covid-19 in the post-vaccination era. This study distinguishes the pre- and post-acute illness living conditions of ICU survivors from non-survivors. Methods: This prospective international multicenter study included 642 old (>= 70 years) ICU patients, including data ranging from pre-illness condition to functional 90-days follow-up. The primary endpoint was the difference of living conditions of ICU-survivors before ICU admission and 90-days after ICU discharge. Secondary outcomes were 90-days mortality, and quality of life. Results: A total of 642 patients were included. Significantly more ICU survivors lived at their own homes without support before ICU admission than non-survivors (p = 0.016), while more non-survivors resided in nursing homes (p = 0.016). ICU mortality was 39 %, 30-days and 90 days mortality were 47 %and 55 %. After 90 days, only 22 % maintained the same living conditions. Surviving patients viewed ICU admission positively after 90 days, while relatives were more uncertain. Quality of life indicated a self-reported average score of 60 (50-75). Conclusion: Living conditions influence the outcome of critically ill old patients suffering from Covid-19. Only a minority returned to their initial habitat after ICU survival. Trial registration number NCT04321265
PublikationsstatusElektronische Veröffentlichung vor Drucklegung - Dez. 2024


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