Foto von Margitta B. Beil-Hildebrand

Margitta B. Beil-Hildebrand

Univ.-Prof. Dr.

1992 …2024

Publikationen pro Jahr

Persönliches Profil


Dr. Margitta B. Beil-Hildebrand (Univ.Edinburgh) - Ph.D., M.Sc., Dip. Nurs. Mngt., PG Cert. HE, RGN - teaches international healthcare policy, healthcare management and social science research as a full pro-fessor at the Paracelsus Medical University in Salzburg / Austria. Her research builds upon a structuralist labor process analysis in which the rationality or effectiveness of the contemporary forms of managerial initiatives within distinct healthcare contexts are neither taken for granted nor presumed. She has pub-lished work on the architectural and artistic design of hospital organizations, the causes and conse-quences of nurse absence, comparative healthcare policy, analytical HRM, the German healthcare reform experience and the idea of mobilizing corporate cultures in the healthcare sector. If she has any time left, Margitta is a keen Porsche 356 and 911 rally driver and has published several articles in German on clas-sic Porsche cars.


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